Sometimes I think back to small tips that I've learned along the way. I want to share one with you today but I don't always practice what I preach :). Being a foodie and a lover of all snacks, I sometimes overeat. Big surprise! One thing I learned over the past few years, is that often I am thirsty not hungry. I know many of you don't drink enough water during the day. I often don't. So my tip for the day is if you're feeling hungry, drink a glass of water. Wait 15 minutes. Are you still hungry? It's so, eat. If not, you were just thirsty or dehydrated. Often I find this is the case for me.
It's the weekend. That means going out. Spending time with friends, drinking, eating, enjoying life. We all know that life is a balance. We want to enjoy ourselves, but we want to be healthy. Drink a few glasses of water before you go out. You might not drink as much :-)
Losing 20 pounds in 31 days is doable. What am I going to do to accomplish this? I've been giving that a lot of thought. My initial thoughts are, hot yoga every day. Reducing my calorie count to about 1200- 1400 calories per day. Tracking everything that goes into my body. Getting an additional hour of cardio each day. I really don't like to run, so I will do what I like. Ride my bike, long board, maybe go kayaking or speed skating. Not really speed skating but it is super cool to watch in the Olympics. :) I use 15 pound dumbbells from time tyo time. I plan to do a variety of curls and tricep work. And finally the thing I keep stressing, drink lots of water! I mean lots. They say you need to drink half your body weight in ounces. For me that's about 115 ounces. But I'm just going to shoot for more like 160.