Fasting has been recognized for its many health benefits dating back to Hippocrates. These benefits extend to everything from better weight management, improved cardiovascular health, healthier blood composition, and better cell recycling, among many others.

Although there is not an abundance of research on fasting in humans, a growing number of health experts believe that the results of fasting from animal studies hold great promise for human health and future research efforts.

There are many different types of fasts you can choose from, and they differ in their results and difficulty. Much of the research included here comes from studies on caloric restriction and intermittent fasting. One conclusion is steadfast, fasting remains one of the most effective means of detoxifying your body and resetting your system for better overall health.

20 Health Benefits of Fasting

March 31, 2016

15 fitness tips

  1. Small steps
  2. Find short-term rewards
  3. Track your progress
  4. Enjoy yourself
  5. Never ever give up
  6. Get a workout partner
  7. Vary your workouts
  8. Focus
  9. Rest is important
  10. Focus on long term
  11. Focus on your diet first
  12. Find the exercise that works for you
  13. Learn to be present
  14. Don’t let your body adapt too much
  15. Get inspired
