March 31, 2016

14 tips for social wellness

Social wellness is that warm fuzzy feeling of overall happiness — in mind, body, and spirit. Sure there are millions of things that make us smile and got our endorphins going, but we picked out 14 surefire ways to help you in being healthy.

  1. Talk to a friend
    Put the "social" into social wellness with a bit of conversation. Speaking with a friend and chatting away has been shown to improve quality of life .

  2. Take some alone time
    Sometimes life is one constant hum, but a little bit of alone timecan calm the brain and even inspire creativity.

  3. Grab a coffee (or a cup of caffeine)
    Relax over a cup of caffeine? It may seem like strange advice but caffeine has a number of health-boosting properties (just maybe don't go for a 5-Hour Energy?).

  4. Go for a run
    Exercise isn't just a great way to get in shape, it also produces endorphins which help create a feeling of well-being. Try running somewhere scenic to get healthy and happy at the same time.

  5. Volunteer somewhere special
    Volunteering is a great way to help other people, but studies show it's also a good way for us to help ourselves and lead healthier lives.

  6. Eat your vegetables
    Yeah, we've heard it before, "eat your vegetables." But a balanced diet with lots of important nutrients helps the body function at its peak.

  7. Get some sun (and vitamin D
    The sun supports all life, but it also makes us happier thanks to a constant shot of vitamin D. Get some rays, but make sure to stay protected and avoid nasty sun damage.

  8. Go on vacation
    Vacations are meant to make us happier, so get out there (or simply stay in) and soak in the health benefits of some rest and relaxation.

  9. Get a puppy
    Cute, right? Well getting a dog might also be the healthiest decision we make all week. A study found that dog owners had lower levels of stress and increased levels of daily activity.

  10. Laugh a little more
    Laughter is one of the best medicines out there. Have a chuckle to sleep better, feel better, and even protect against heart attacks.

  11. Get a good night's sleep
    Sleep and recovery are just as important as leading an active life. Go to bed early or sneak a nap for some happy, healthy dreams.

  12. Nosh some chocolate (but not too much!)
    Mmmm, nothing makes us happier than eating chocolate. Sugar-high aside, dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa and up) is actually rich with antioxidants that do a body good. Just remember, chocolate isn't a superfood so don't go cocoa-crazy.

  13. Learn to relax a bit
    Inhale, exhale — relaxation is a good way to clear the mind and find some inner happiness. Here are 40 quick and painless ways to reach some inner zen in five minutes or less.

  14. Commune with nature at the office
    Plants help create some serious feng shui. So buy some green and inhale the good vibes. Just don't forget to water them!
