Top Wellness Articles

20 Health Benefits of Fasting

author Dan Riefstahl date 04/18/2018

Fasting has been recognized for its many health benefits dating back to Hippocrates. These benefits extend to everything from better weight management, improved cardiovascular health, healthier blood composition, and better cell recycling, among many others.

Although there is not an abundance of research on fasting in humans, a growing number of health experts believe that the results of fasting from animal studies hold great promise for human health and future research efforts.

There are many different types of fasts you can choose from, and they differ in their results and difficulty. Much of the research included here comes from studies on caloric restriction and intermittent fasting. One conclusion is steadfast, fasting remains one of the most effective means of detoxifying your body and resetting your system for better overall health.

20 Health Benefits of Fasting

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The path to emotional wellness

author Dan Riefstahl date 04/07/2017

Being emotionally well is more than just handling stress. It also involves being attentive to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, whether positive or negative.  Emotional Wellness implies the ability to be aware of and accept our feelings, rather than deny them, have an optimistic approach to life, and enjoy life despite its occasional disappointments and frustrations.

If you are a person engaged in the process of emotional wellness, you are willing and able to:

  • Arrive at personal choices and decisions based upon the synthesis of feelings, thoughts, philosophies, and behavior.
  • Live and work independently while realizing the importance of seeking and appreciating the support and assistance of others.
  • Form interdependent relationships with others based upon a foundation of mutual commitment, trust and respect.
  • Take on challenges, take risks, and recognize conflict as being potentially healthy.
  • Manage your life in personally rewarding ways, and taking responsibility for your actions.
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15 fitness tips

author Dan Riefstahl date 03/31/2016
  1. Small steps
  2. Find short-term rewards
  3. Track your progress
  4. Enjoy yourself
  5. Never ever give up
  6. Get a workout partner
  7. Vary your workouts
  8. Focus
  9. Rest is important
  10. Focus on long term
  11. Focus on your diet first
  12. Find the exercise that works for you
  13. Learn to be present
  14. Don’t let your body adapt too much
  15. Get inspired


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August 03, 2016

It begins...

So I am a slacker in some areas. Keeping up on this blog is one area I am working on. So I started my reboot on Monday August 1, 2016. I didn't write a blog entry because I did not know I started the reboot. How could I not know? Well I did not consciously think about starting it. I began by working out on my new Ultimate Body works. I went to yoga and ate really well that day. Then I did the same thing again yesterday and a trend emerged. I thought to myself, why not start now. I think now is the time to start this "physical" portion of my reboot. I weighed myself for the first time in a while. It was not pretty, especially after a heavy weekend of drinking. I came in at 237. At least I know where I am starting. I plan to weigh my self once a week on Mondays to see where I am at and to snap a new pic of my progress. Thankfully a rigorous yoga schedule has kept me from being a total porker!

I am including pictures of me from April, 2016 (left 2 images) and from today, Day 3, basically just starting out. I need the visual motivation. Although I am still approx the same weight I was back in April, you can see that doing yoga for the last few months has helped me tone up a little. No much, but progress is progress. Now its time to take it to the next level with a proper diet too!

As I have been thinking and pondering what it will be like to be fit and lose weight, I realized a few things that might help you in your journey. 

  1. It won't happen overnight.
  2. Be kind to yourself. You will screw up along the way.
  3. Be realistic. In the course of 31 days, you will need days off and beer. Well at least me :)
  4. Drink more water than you are comfortable with. It plays a HUGE part in weight loss.

On August 12-16, I am going to Phoenix to visit my college friend Brian for his 40th birthday. He and his wife Nina are very active hikers and outdoor enthusiasts, so I am sure I will get in some good physical activity, but I will do much manual work too. Lots of push-ups and yoga. But this is a great example of what I am talking about. In 31 days, you can't expect to not be faced with challenges. You might have a work party, a wedding or some other event where you will be tempted to no end with delicious little foods and free flowing drinks. That's OK. Take part. Enjoy life. Just be smart about it and make up for it later. Just never forget your goal and always work toward it. A bunch of little choices add up.

I am looking at this challenge as a lifestyle change and not a "quick fix" so I have to tackle adversity as it comes up. I love food. I am a "foodie" I thoroughly enjoy trying new food and going out to eat with friends and family. I just need to keep going in the right direction and eventually with enough hard work, I will have muscles again and lose some weight! At first I was so gung ho. I wanted to lose 30lbs and get down to 207. If that happens, great. I am sure I will look great, but if not I will be happy to get down to a weight I feel comfortable maintaining. Maybe 215 is a good goal? Ultimately I am just going to keep at it until I feel good in my own skin and with my shirt off! So my short term goal is to drop 5-7 lbs before heading to Arizona. It is August and it will be HOT in AZ! I will be doing a lot of swimming and want to trim down a little before I go. I am starting day 3. I am feeling good and happy and excited about this journey. I have spent far too much of my summer eating and drinking whatever I want. In fact I have been doing that now for about 10 years. In my mind, I thought I was 20 again. Nope! Not the same metabolism or activity level, but I am working on changing that. And working hard on changing my relationship with food. 

I think it is important to realize that it is a relationship. Food is part of your life every single day and will be forever. You are married. You and food are besties. Now you just need to respect the relationship and what it can do for you. I am embarking on a journey and I hope that by reading my struggles it will help you with yours. I think everyone's body is different and what you will need to eat and not eat will depend on your goals, but take it slow. It takes time to retrain your habits. I am starting off with this diet (sort of)

I don't recommend trying to lose 10 pounds in a week.  It seems rather unhealthy. What I am doing is taking some helpful advice from the above article.  On Monday I ate all fruit. Yesterday it was all vegetables with a small portion of chicken breast. Today I am eating a mix of apples and salad with a bit of chicken. For me, its about trying to re-calibrate my body and its needs. I love sweets. I often eat sugary snacks and treats. I am trying to eliminate sugars and get my body used to long term sustained energy. I am also drinking lots of water and trying to light the metabolism fire. I wish you success in your journey. Keep up the good work and remember to read the daily goals and check the "Stay motivated" Instagram feed for inspiration.